Unity visual studio setup default namespafe
Unity visual studio setup default namespafe

#Unity visual studio setup default namespafe download

If that's the same for you when you download the project, the only way I've found to fix it so far is by actually deleting the Editor and Standard Assets folders in the Unity project. I've made sure that all versions of the Assets folder under each project is false. Both Assets and Scripts are set to false (or they are on my end - maybe it's some weird visual bug). In the repo is a Test.cs file in the Scripts folder. csproj files) as Unity regenerates the solution and project files every time there's a change. This only happens if the solution is not already created or if the user deletes it (and the accompanying. This sets the default namespace in VS to that namespace. I'm not sure if this is useful knowledge but: Unity lets you set the root namespace in Edit -> Project Settings -> Editor. I just created a new Unity Project and uploaded it to it's own repo. The only other thing I could think of that hasn't been mentioned at least is that I'm using the Visual Studio Tools for Unity plugin, I'm not sure if that would cause some strange incompatibility. I have tried seeing if it's some strange inconsistency with multiple subfolders inside of the Assets folder being set to true, but that does not seem to be the case. I have been able to replicate the issue on my side and from what I can tell, I think the issue is with the multiple. In the mean time, I've just been manually removing it whenever I use ReSharper to add a namespace, which is no big deal, but I figure you guys would want to fix this. I organise my files within subfolders of the Assets folder, but would definitely like to make the Assets folder itself invisible. I don't think Unity really have a standard naming convention.

Unity visual studio setup default namespafe